What is Web Hosting and Why Do I Need It ?
Think of web hosting as renting space on the internet to house your business on a server. In the same way that you have to pay monthly rent for a retail location to house your business, you also have to pay monthly rent on the internet in order to house your website. While having one physical retail address in a specific state gives your business exposure to those driving by, it is limited in its reach. A storefront on the internet is unlimited, and millions of people search the internet day after day, which is why an internet presence is so important.
What is an E-Commerce Website?
What is Search Engine Optimization ?
Search Engine Optimization or (SEO) is the process of making changes to your website to get it to rank higher in search engine results, thus increasing its visibility. The most widely used search engines are Google and Bing. For example, when someone does a Google search for your newly created site, is your site going to appear on page 6000 of Google search results or on page 4 of Google search results? The higher your site ranks in search results, the more traffic you will get to your website. However, search engines are not the only way to drive traffic to your site. You can drive people to the website just by telling them about it verbally. You can also get traffic to the site by listing the website on your business cards, flyers, and social media accounts. But eventually you want to start a search engine optimization program because you will get more exposure and open yourself up for new clients. The internet has infinite possibilities and should be used whenever possible.
Keep in mind, there are over a billion websites on the world wide web. A website is virtually useless if no one can see it and/or find it because it is buried. After your website is built, I recommend starting a SEO Optimization program for the best results and exposure.
This is entirely up to the client and it varies by company. However, I recommend a five to seven page website for the best aesthetic look. At minimum, you should have a home page, an about us page, services page (unless you are not a service based company and are selling products. In this case you will have a products page or shop page), projects/portfolio page that showcases your work, contact page, and testimonials/reviews page that lists customers positive feedback. The website needs to be organized, clear, and concise so that when a customer visits it there is no confusion as to what your company is about and what you provide and/or sell.
E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce. An E-Commerce website is simply a website that allows people to buy and sell goods, services, and products on the world wide web. An E-Commerce website can process orders, accept payments, manage shipping and logistics, and provide customer service through a pc, a smart phone, a laptop, or a tablet. An example of a very well known and widely used E-Commerce platform is Amazon. There are four types of E-Commerce websites. These include:
1. Business-to-Business (B2B): Electronic transactions of goods and services between two different companies. An example of this would be a software company that develops software for another business.
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C): Electronic transactions of goods and services that a company sells to a consumer. An example of this would be if a person buys a new pair of shoes from an online store.
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): Electronic transactions of goods and services between consumers, mostly through a third party. An example of this would be selling an old used tablet on eBay.
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B): Electronic transactions of goods and services where individuals offer products or services to companies. An example of this would be a professional photographer licensing their photos for a fee to a stock photo company database like Shutterstock where other business can purchase the photos.
How Many Pages Does My Website Need to Be?
Can I Use a Domain I Already Purchased ?
Yes. If you already purchased a domain I will connect it.